Archives 2008

December 31st, 2008, The Day The Zunes Stood Still

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Apparently all 1st Gen 30G Zunes with the latest firmware update from Microsoft died at midnight, pacific time last night.
None are booting up past the loading screen.
Even people that had theirs on listening to it…

Son of a B….., Right in the middle of Shine on you Crazy Diamond mine crapped out too.

…or hooked up to the computer charging report that their Zune suddenly crashed, rebooted, and froze up.

People have let their battery run down all the way to where it died, plugged it back in, and it is still not working. People have even tried a hard reset, nothing seems to be working

Well, I Pulled the Battery, and Used a Wall USB Plug and plugged my zune to that, and it booted to the main “Unlock Screen” and locked up, then I rebooted, and it cleared contents, asked me to re-install everything, and now its blank, stuck on a black screen, then i rebooted and back to lockup on the logo… nice..

What’s more is that since tonight and tomorrow are holidays, there will be nothing more then a skeleton crew working tech support at Microsoft, and I am 100% positive that their programmers aren’t working, so Zune owners will be getting the extra long shaft and probably won’t see any way to fix it until some time next week (my speculation).

The failures all occurred 24 hours before the new year roll over. I wonder what happened?

You know… if Apple was really on the ball here, they should JUMP at this opportunity. Run a fast hard advertisement telling people they can bring in their frozen 30G Zune to any Apple store, trade it in for a discount on any iPod/iPhone they have.
Could you imagine…

I hope I’m not alone in seeing the hilarity in this. It’s like Microsoft is giving a big fuck you to everyone who bought a Zune.

Oh well… I don’t have one. Back to listening to my iPod.

(More Updates After The Break)

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TF2 Dedicated Server Rant

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Where to start with this one…

I just spent the better part of 2 hours trying to configure a dedicated TF2 server with the Beetle’s Mod admin plugin… what appears to be the only functioning admin plugin out there worth a fuck for TF2.

And you know where I’m at now?  FUCKING NO WHERE.  I have given up, deleted all the server files, and told Steam to get fucking BENT for having absolutely shit support and documentation on how to configure a fucking server.  And on top of that, an even bigger fuck you to whatever assclown pieced together that piece of shit known as Beetle’s Mod.

First off, installing the TF2 dedicated server on a plain machine with out Steam on it is a royal fuck in the ass.  Go ahead and try and figure it out with out googling and reading through other forum posts.  I dare you to.

You won’t get far.

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PHP – 4th Most Popular Programming Language

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Just a quick post here.  I came across the Tiobe Software Index today which… well, I’ll let them explain it:

The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and YouTube are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

And PHP is on their list at number 4!

Only following Java, C, and C++!

I thought it was pretty cool since I’m a big fan of php and php projects 🙂  So those of you out there who haven’t given PHP a shot yet, now would be a good time to check it out!

iPhone 2.2 Jailbreakers, free up space from previous Jailbreaks!

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

I noticed that after my upgrade and reinstalling my apps I was missing a huge chunk of my free space.
I got to investigating and noticed that every folder in /private/var/stash was duplicated!  It appeared as though it still had my old folder from the first upgrade on there… as well as the newly made folders.
Some quick googling turned up this nugget of information:

I believe BigBoss is referring mostly to the extra directories under /private/var/stash. Each time Cydia runs “for the first time”, it moves and symlinks some directories there to ensure that the root partition doesn’t run out of space. If that was over your head, stop reading, and follow his instructions above.

Still with me? Okay, so first off it’s these directories that are showing as “Other” in iTunes. That’s fine, and it’s totally normal for there to be a decent amount of space showing that way.

The problem comes when Cydia runs again on the “Upgraded” device, and goes and creates all these directories over again, resulting in double the space consumed (though I personally didn’t see quite as much as 500mb).

If you are comfortable poking around *nix, the cleanup you asked about is generally straightforward. Just stroll over to /private/var/stash, do an ls -al and delete the older of any duplicate directories (Applications.23981, Applications.sidufh, etc.). If they have the same date, you’ll need to find for the symlink and see which one’s current.

As always, backup first, and if you brick your device, go back and follow BigBoss’ instructions above. 😛

So I deleted the old duplicate folders that didn’t need to be there any more and got back over 800mb of free space!!

I’ve some screen shots so you get what I’m talking about…

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Nintendo DS Wifi Sucks

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

1) It only works with 64 bit WEP encryption. (supposedly… I never got it to)

Yup, you might as well just stick your dick in a hooker’s ass, it’s that unsafe.

2) It doesn’t work.  Period.

To even get the damn thing to do a successful connection test I had to COMPLETELY disable encryption on the router (I tried 2 different routers.  A Linksys WRT54GC running stock firmware, and a Linksys WRT54G running DD-WRT Firmware).  For 2 weeks now, every single game I have tried that supports WFC completely fails to connect.  Nintendo’s error numbers seem to be completely arbitrary as I get a different one each time and when I look them up they all mean something different or people have no clue what they mean at all.

Nintendo DS WFC is completely useless.  It simple does not work.

I’m not even going to touch on the “Friend Code” bullshit, because I think every one knows by now how horrible that works.

My Xbox360 is never ever ONCE had a single issue connecting to XBox Live.  Microsoft doesn’t seem to have any problems running a huge service for real consoles, yet Nintendo can’t seem to build a free infrastructure for handhelds?!  But maybe I hit on to something there… XBox Live costs a few bucks a month.  Maybe Microsoft actually uses that money to support Live’s infrastructure.  It is clear that Nintendo does NOT support their’s as it hasn’t worked for every day of the 2 weeks I have owned my DS.

Lucky for them I’m not a HUGE online gamer… but I would’ve at least liked to have tried the damn thing out… even if it was just once…

Back to fragging on the 360.

Frank Caliendo is NOT funny

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

The title says it all. He is not funny.
It’s bad enough I have to be subjected to his TERRIBLE impersonations and “jokes” every Sunday while waiting for my Bears game to come on, but this hack actually has commercials as well.
Seriously… who has ever found this guy funny?
His impersonations are so horrible 90% of the time I can’t even tell who he is impersonating.
His jokes make me cringe. I can’t even crack a smirk when he rattles off one of his stupid cracks.
I suspect people who find him funny also enjoy reality TV, think Chris Angel is the best magician ever, and probably use Macs.

Happy Halloween!

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Happy Halloween everyone!

I can’t believe it’s going to be November already.  WHERE DID OCTOBER GO?!

Anyway, have fun and be safe out there.  The girlfriend and I plan on feeding the little monsters roaming the neighborhood for a while, then heading out for a delicious D’Arcy’s Pint Horse Shoe.

I leave you with Bob’s RC Pumpkin

Vista Bashing – I’m SICK of it!

Attention: This content is 16 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

It seems that every single day I stumble on another article, newscast, or person, who is brainlessly bashing Vista.  I’m fucking sick of hearing it.

Every single one of these articles I have seen appears to be written by some talentless hack who has either not used Vista, or someone who has no fucking business touching a computer in the first place.

I have been running Vista for nearly 2 years now and am currently running it on both my desktop and my laptop and I have NEVER had a problem with it.  ALL of my hardware worked painlessly and I have not seen a SINGLE software compatibility issue.

It just boggles my mind when I read articles that say “It took me 16 months to get it working”.  I mean… my mind just can’t comprehend what is so god damned hard about it.  Seriously?  What is it?

Yes, it has it’s little quarks and annoyances, but there is no reason to avoid it.  It is a great, fantastic, VERY stable OS.  Anyone who claims otherwise probably doesn’t understand computers and is scared of change.

Rant over.