Photo 52 Project. Week 1 – Beginning

Attention: This content is 14 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

2011 is shaping up to be quite a year for me.  One, I will be getting married in April.  Two, I have resumed a hobby from long ago thanks to my Fiancee.  Photography.  When I was much younger I loved snapping pictures on cheap little point and shoot cameras.  I’m not sure why, but I always found it to be entertaining, waiting to get the film back from the developer to see how your memories came out.  Like many things in this day and age, photography has gone digital, and sure I followed along with some mid-range point and shoot cameras, but I never had something I had always wanted… an SLR camera, or more specifically for the digital age, a Digital SLR camera.  In August of last year, I got my DSLR (thanks to my then-soon-to-be-Fiancee).  Since then I have been adding accessories and lenses to wish lists, practicing, and reading.  I am very much an amateur, and I have virtually everything to learn.  To help with my learning process I have decided to do a Photo 52 project.  Basically, this is a project where once a week I will post a photo I’ve taken (hopefully that week) that I thought was worthy of sharing.  Some people tackle 365 projects, posting one photo every day for a year, and some day I may attempt one of those, but right now I can’t commit to one photo per day.  But, I hope I can commit to one photo per week for an entire year.

For Week 1 I decided to attempt a self portrait.  I learned… I want my tripod.  It is on back order and will hopefully be here in the next couple weeks.  It was kind of fun to set it up with out a tripod, and a little scary balancing the Canon 550D on top of some empty boxes left over from Christmas, but I ended up getting a shot I was happy with.  I am very much looking forward to this year, going new places, doing new things, and hopefully learning something along the way.  So with out any further delay, here we go.
